Melissa’s Hope Newsletter March 2014

Melissa’s Hope Newsletter – March 2014
Joe Jennings – MHF board member

Hello Everyone:

Mallory Eggert has been entirely swamped with final exams and work, so I’m filling in for this month’s newsletter. Good luck Mallory!

Pascal reported today that he’s been off the grid for a while now with computer and internet problems as well as a stolen phone, but he’s beginning to get things sorted and wanted to tell everyone that the kids and staff are doing well.

GIFT OF MEDICINE Last week a group from the US visited Melissa’s hope and gave Pascal and Charlette enough anti seizure medicine to last eight of the kids for six months.

DRY AND DUSTY It hasn’t rained in Port-au-prince since November so everything is dry and dust seems to cover everything. Pascal’s truck is covered in dust, inside and out!

CHARLETTE COMING TO THE US! All things going well, Charlette’s visa application will be approved and she’ll travel to St. Louis to participate in fundraising events Colleen Hanlen and Jane Corbett.

501c3 UPDATE At this point, our attorney has submitted to the IRS all of the paperwork and information needed to reinstate the Melissa’s Hope Foundation as a 501c3 non-profit organization. We should have a response before May.

The following is a brief letter to the MHF board from Pascal:

Hi everyone,

I pray that everyone is doing well! Sorry, I finally got my skype going again, I hope it stays on for this Sunday. 

So much has been going on.
Great news: We finally got hold of some seizure medication (a six months supplies) for Zolikes, Jackson, Makenson, Wagner, Zebedaya, Lagine, Benicare, Biverly and Regie.

Many thanks to a kind group from Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Medical Mission was very kind to come by and provide medical check ups on every children here in MHF. The children are all in good health.
I know that we have a list of important things to talk about this Sunday.
Looking forward to see you all!

Pascal and Charlette

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